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24-25 Info Hub

Welcome to Promesa Academy's Info Hub! Here you will find information about our school policies, requirements and more. Can't find what you are looking for? Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Event Calendar

Our official 2025 Event Calendar, your one-stop hub for all upcoming school events.

Breakfast & Lunch Menu

Nourish young minds with our healthy and delicious meal options.

Student Family Handbook

Your essential guide to Promesa Academy policies and procedures.

'24-25 Academic Calendar

Plan your year with our comprehensive academic calendar.

Square Payment Site

Make secure payments for school fees and events.

  • How does the enrollment process work?
    Charter schools have a limited number of seats. When more students apply than there are spaces available, the school holds a random lottery to determine which students get offers. All other students are placed on a waiting list and may receive an offer during the school year.
  • How do I submit an application for my child?
    You can submit an online application through our website ( Every year, we run a lottery to determine who gets accepted. We currently have limited seats available in every grade level K-5.
  • Who can attend Promesa Academy?
    We are a public school and are free to any child in Bexar County who wishes to attend.
  • Do you offer dual language?
    We do not offer a dual language program yet, but we have a high-quality ESL program for students who qualify. We do offer a Spanish class to all students weekly starting in Kindergarten.
  • Do you accept students with special needs?
    We are a public school and accept any child who wishes to attend. We are both legally bound and wholly committed to ensuring that we meet the needs of each and every child who attends our school.
  • What are your class sizes and student/teacher ratio?
    Our classes are capped at 22 students per teacher. In addition, our school administrative staff are always available for support if necessary.
  • Do you have special area teachers? (i.e. Art, Music, P.E.)?
    Yes! At Promesa, we refer to our “Specials” team as “Essentials” because we believe they are a key part of the learning experience for students. Our Essentials include Studio Art, Spanish, and P.E. teachers. In addition, we have a library available for students. Every day, students attend one Essentials class.
  • What does technology usage look like?
    We believe in using technology where it has a place and where it makes a positive impact on student learning. This includes things like intervention programs, creating a project with various apps, or using technology to capture artifacts of student work. Technology can also be a great assistive aid for students needing extra support.
  • What is your homework philosophy?
    While we are not advocates of homework, we want to leave the option open should teachers have a meaningful extension or activity that students can engage in with parents or guardians at home. Homework is not an essential part of our philosophy and is not required for our teachers to give. If given, homework will be brief and meaningfully connected to their in-class learning.
  • What does assessment look like?
    The data we collect from student assessment should be valid and useful, and not just a test given for the sake of testing. Students will take developmentally appropriate, in-class assessments to assess learning when appropriate. In addition, we test reading levels three times a year using mClass and give iReady tests in Reading and Mathematics three times a year to assess student growth. Our 3-5 students also complete their STAAR exams in April/May yearly.
  • How do you approach discipline?
    We believe in educating the whole child and equipping them with tools to grow and manage their emotions instead of using a punitive discipline system in our school. Our philosophy is based in Conscious Discipline, which equips adults to be responsive to student needs in a loving but firm way to improve the outcomes for all students. This year, we will have a restorative justice teacher on campus that will help facilitate individual support for students as well.
  • How do you accommodate for Special Education?
    As a public school in Texas, we will work with families, our Special Education providers, and our students’ IEPs to provide them with appropriate services in our school. We will make sure that all of our students get what they need to be successful.
  • What are the before/after-school options for my child(ren)?
    We provide campus based after school care until 6:00 pm daily onsite. The cost is currently $60/week. We also have an onsite before school care from 6:30-7:15 for $80/month.
  • What are your school hours?
    Classes begin at 7:45 a.m. and students are dismissed between 3:30-4:00pm on Mondays-Thursdays and between 1-1:30pm every Friday. An optional, free breakfast will be served from 7:15-7:45 a.m. We do have an onsite before school care from 6:30-7:15 for $80/month and afterschool option available to families until 6:00 pm daily for a fee of $60/week.
  • What is your meal program?
    Each day, every student can receive a free breakfast, lunch, and snack as part of our child nutrition program. We commit to offering fresh, healthy meals and will address and accommodate any allergy concerns or needs, if possible.
  • What options are there for transportation?
    Unfortunately, we do not have public transportation available for students. Families are welcome to connect with one another to help coordinate transportation.
  • What does parent and family engagement look like at Promesa?
    At Promesa we believe that the relationships we build with our families are essential not only to who we are but who we will become. We truly value the input of our students, families and community.
  • What does caregiver and family engagement look like at Promesa? Do you have detailed volunteer options?
    At Promesa we believe that the relationships we build with our families are essential not only to who we are but who we will become. We truly value the input of our students, families and community. As a result, we offer various ways for families to get involved, including helping classrooms as a room parent to plan events and decorate the halls, Workroom Wednesdays (an opportunity to help teachers with tasks for the week), campus clean ups, and more! Caregivers are also welcome to join students for “Panda Lunches” throughout the week.
  • Is there a cost for my child(ren) to attend?
    No. Promesa Academy is a tuition-free, open-enrollment, public charter school. There is no cost to you for your child to attend.
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